I recently wrote an article for Forbes ‘Making the Most of LinkedIn’ which has had over 6,000 views to date and still growing…it encompasses my latest tips to really getthe best from LinkedIn as a social platform.
Since the first business social network launched back in 2002 when Co-Founder Reid Hoffman created LinkedIn from his living room users have really struggled to get the most from a tool that can be tremendously powerful.
As a business we have been pro-active in the use of social media since the beginning due to teh nature of our business but I can see how many people are still struggling with LinkedIn. It is defiitely my platform of choice and we get about 80% of our business through LinkedIn for speaking, consultancy and stratgy development.
I think the reson many people haven’t bonded with this platform is the layout doesn’t lend itself to easy use and perhaps over complicates the platform.
Benefits of using LinkedIn
- Recruiters and Human Resources professionals are on LinkedInand also has extensive job listings so perfect for recruiting talent and finding job opportunties.
- Receive (and give) endorsements and testimonials.
- Make important business connections and join professional groups that include like‐minded people.
- Establish your expertise by using the LinkedIn content platform and read news from your connections.
- Research other businesses and competitors
These are just a few of the options you have in terms of using LinkedIn to increase you online visibility, establish yourself as an expert in your own field and ultimtely generate leads.
What does LinkedIn mean to you?
Do you see it as a vast network with infinite opportunity or the place where up-to-date resumes go to die?
If it’s the latter, I would suggest that you’re missing a trick. Ranked in the top 1% of users on the site, she has seen the powerful effects that an active and engaged profile can have on your personal brand or business.
Despite being professionals, I’d hazard a guess that not many of us spend much time thinking about our LinkedIn profiles. They’re often something people keep because they feel they “have to” rather than because they see real value in them but, the truth is, it offers a wealth of opportunity.
Engaging on the platform regularly can have a significant positive impact on your career: an Adweek article from 2015 reported that 87% of recruiters turn to LinkedIn to find new talent.
The platform has had something of a renaissance in recent years. Where once it was seen as a place to simply connect with your professional peers, it’s become a social media outlet in its own right.
Two new members join the platform each second and the platform grew from 467 million users in the third quarter of 2016 to 590 million by the end of 2018.
Even entrepreneur, author and speaker Gary Vaynerchuk recently said he was “obsessed” with it thanks to its “organic reach.”
Learning to use LinkedIn effectively is the key to building a robust network that brings in consistent revenue:
I stay in the top 1% by being a ‘social’ networker and proactively growing my network, contributing meaningfully to conversations and interacting with others as well as posting content I feel will add value. I focus on building rapport and relationships and becoming a thought leader in my industry, rather than simply selling. This is what has helped me build my network.
For many, there’s still something rather off-putting about the concept of selling one’s own brand, whereas the idea of engaging in a sincere way with a wider audience is a much more palatable line of action.
This is exactly the approach that I take.
Whether you’re a business owner, employee or leader, use these expert tips on using LinkedIn effectively are applicable across the board.
It’s one of the best-untapped resources for content and connections online, so if there was ever a time to get back on your profile, dust it off and give it a spring clean, this would be it.
I have been making the most of the platform for years and now rank consistently as the global number one profile in my industry. Having launched my company, Business Consort, at the age of 21 with a £5,000 Prince’s Trust loan, I have since trained over 25,000 professionals in digital marketing and gained 5 million social media subscribers by practicing what I preach.
My second book, Dynamic Digital Marketing, which offers tried and tested strategies on growing your following, successfully marketing your business and increasing your revenue, is due for release in October 2019.
Reed my 7 steps to LinkedIn Success on Frobes – Actionable tips, trends and insights that will help you make the most of LinkedIn Read Now…
Author – Dawn McGruer FRSA MCIM – Multi-Award-Winning Digital Marketing Speaker, Author & Trainer – Founder of Business Consort Digital Marketing & Social Media Academy.