Episode 33: Interview With Billionaire Adam Miron
Ep 033: Dawn McGruer Interviews billionaire Adam Miron, Billion Dollar Business Owner for Dawn of a New Era Podcast ‘Chronicles of a Serial Entrepreneur’
In this episode, I’m speaking with Adam Miron who is the author of the Billion Dollar Start-Up book. We talk about what it took for Adam to have the billion dollar business he has today as well as how he got started and how he came to have the opportunity to retire at age 35.
We talk about how he built his business with lots of help and investments from family and friends, his book and his journey to becoming a business owner.
???? Adam Miron is the owner of a Billion Dollar Business.
???? Adam retired at the age of just 35.
???? Adam started his first business at about 10 years old which was a biking business with his dad. He was hooked on the idea of a business ever since.
???? Adam is also author of a book called ‘Billion Dollar Start-up: The True Story of How Two 29 Year Olds Turned $35,000 into a Billion Dollar Company’
???? Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast – I have some pretty epics guest lined up for the next 3 months (yep I have been a busy bee!) and I promise the stories and insights my guests are going to be sharing are out of this world in terms of inspiring!!!
Did you know that my podcast Dawn of a New Era has reached the top 10% most popular shows out of 1,992,247 podcasts globally, ranked by Listen Score?… Just 8 months and 33 episodes in – SUBSCRIBE NOW |
Here are the highlights from this episode:
{2:58} How Adam and his business partner raised their first million dollars to start their business.
{8:08} The three most influential people and their roles in helping to grow Adam’s business
{9:35} All about the Billion Dollar Start-Up book
{11:18} How Adam’s entrepreneurial mindset began at age 10
{13:13} The biggest challenge so far in growing the business
{16:18} How coming from nothing helped Adam to bet everything
{19:04} The one piece of advice Adam wishes he’d had 10 years ago
{20:16} The resources Adam recommends for entrepreneurs
Connect with Adam at adammiron.com
Remember to join me and all my Podcast Guests on Facebook Dawn McGruer’s Marketing * Motivation * Mindset Group Speaker. Author. Podcaster. Strategist. Multi-award-winning speaker, strategist & best-selling author of Dynamic Digital Marketing – Helping to inspire entrepreneurs to rise to meet today’s challenges and be powerfully present to shine online. Connect with me and let’s Dream Big * Work Hard * Make it Happen Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram | YouTube Ways to work with me Read My Book| Speaking | Training | Strategy | Retreat |
Who Is Adam Miron?
Dawn: Today, we have a very special guest. The reason that I chose to invite Adam and he kindly accepted is I was fascinated when I was reading his story, because not only have you just launched your book, I think came out on the 2nd of February, Billion Dollar Startup?
Adam: That’s correct.
Dawn: So not only are you an author, but I think the story behind the book was something that really interested me because it’s a very controversial topic, because not only have you started a billion dollar company, which I think a lot of people would find totally incomprehensible, in the fact that what’s that take to run. Can we just have a little bit of understanding of what your background is, because not only are you an entrepreneur in residence in a university, you have multiple companies, but you’ve retired at 35, didn’t you?
Adam: There’s more to that story, but yes, that is true.
Dawn: Well, this is it, because you’re not truly retired. So hit us with where did it start? How did you get involved in a billion dollar startup?
Adam: I often think back to that fateful dinner party that I went to. So my business partner, Sébastien St-Louis is the CEO of HEXO, and we were both entrepreneurs through and through. We had started many different businesses. We were in a position about eight years ago where we both had enough steady stream income from residual businesses that we had created that we weren’t working a lot and gave us a time to come up with new ideas, have lots of discussions, which sometimes really just resulted to more time in the pub than it should’ve been. But we were looking for a business. And I remember he came to me. He said, “Adam, I figured it out. I know what we’re going to do.” And I was thrilled. I was like, “Great. What is this idea that you have?” We’d probably looked at half a dozen at that point. And he said, “We’re going to grow cannabis.” And I was like, “Nope. No, not interested. What else you got?” And he’s like, “No, for real, you have to understand, there’s a legal environment, it has been established. This is legit. This is an incredible opportunity.”
And I was like, “I don’t know, man.” And he said, “I’ll tell you what. Let me come by your house tomorrow morning. We’ll sit down, I’ll run you through some of the spreadsheets that I prepared.” And 15 minutes in the next day, I looked at this business opportunity and I thought, “What an incredible opportunity to build something new.” Because keep in mind, we were 29 years old, and we were looking to compete at a world-class level, which meant that we were up against people with decades of experience behind them. That wasn’t the case in this industry, because it was a level playing field from an entry point. So we spent a year and a half in my tiny basement, 157 square feet with five foot seven ceilings, which we crouched in, and we put a bid plan together, we raised our first million dollars, hired our first couple of employees, got an application in, and it was just the combination of incredible perseverance and a little bit of luck.
How Adam and his business partner raised their first million dollars to start their business.
Dawn: So a lot of endurance. I love the bit where you skirt past that you just raised the first few million. I think for a lot of listeners who are in business and know the struggle as an entrepreneur, did you use crowdfunding? What was your strategy to raise the money?
Adam: So neither of us had really raised capital before. I had been very lucky to have had an experience where I went and met with one of Canada’s senators at the time. And I said, “I have this idea to start this website.” And he said, “How much is it going to take?” And I said, “Well, $35,000.” And I had spent all night working on this P&L, just being able to rationalize this valuation and this raise. And he said, “Tell me about yourself.” And I went, “I didn’t prepare for this question. How do I…” So we just talked, and after 20 minutes, he shouted at his assistant, he said, “Bring my checkbook.” And he wrote me a check for $35,000, which was my first investment, and I thought, “Wow, is this really how things work sometimes?” Which obviously it isn’t how it works most of the time, but it really gave me a sense of confidence.
So when we set out to do this business, Sebastian and I were going to initially and very naively finance this ourselves. we were going to sell off all of our existing businesses. We were going to capitalize. And I think we thought we could pull this off here about $400,000. Now, to point out just how naive we are, to date we’ve raised over $900 million in investment capital for this company. So we were a little off the mark. But the industry grew and the opportunity group. So we set out and we put a business plan together. We needed a lawyer to figure out how to raise money because we didn’t really know how to pay for it. I remember calling a series of lawyers that I Googled and one of them, after a while… Because they were all like, “A couple of weeks, a couple of weeks.” And we were like, “No, come on. We’re young entrepreneurs. We need to start raising tomorrow. We have to go.” And we called this one guy and he kind of sheepishly said, “Hello,” as if we’d woken him up. It was the middle of the day.
And I said, “Is this the law firm?” He says, “Yeah.” I said, “Well, we want to raise some money. We’ve got this business idea.” I said, how quickly could we put this together, get some term sheets?” And he said, “Well, if I don’t sleep, I could probably have it to you in two days.” We were like, “You’re hired, you’re our guy.” So we put together these term sheets and then with paperwork we said, “Okay, how do we raise money?” And honestly, a million bucks was more money than either of us had ever had in the bank before, but it was from mostly 10 and $15,000 increments from our family and friends. We didn’t have any wealthy family that could write a big check. So it was our friends. And that really had a big impact on all of us because everyone in our social circle, our parents, our siblings, you name it, everyone that could invest… And I’d say at least a third of them invested off of credit because they didn’t even have the cash to do it either, but they believed in us, so they went and got a line of credit.
Dawn: This is crazy. I mean, I think what people are probably thinking at this precise moment is, “What Adam just started up selling cannabis.” What is the business. What is the business idea and how do you present it? Because number one, it’s controversial in terms of… As soon you mentioned the word, but how would you term what your business does?
Adam: So there’s two sides to it. We had to fight stigma right, left, and center, and I want to be really careful to clarify something. When we claim written by the founders, we’re the founders of HEXO. We’re not the founders of Canada’s marijuana industry. There’ve been people for years that have been fighting for this in a legal capacity, from an industry perspective, there are great founders of our industry. We’re just happening to be founders of one of the big businesses in that industry. But coming back to your question, in one regard, for us, we really thought of this as just any other agronomic or manufacturing company. We would say whether we’re growing soybeans or marijuana, didn’t really matter from a manufacturing costing perspective.
I remember I had this great interview with one of Canada’s largest publications right on the cusp of us getting our sales license, so I’ll really quickly explain. The government would first give you a license to grow it, but after you grew it and they saw that you could grow, you had to destroy it. Then if you could prove that for a while, then they’d let you store it. And then if you could prove that you could store it, package, and sell it, et cetera, in a demo scenario, they’d let you sell it. Now for us, from being able to grow it to being able to sell, it was almost two years. A very painful two years because there was no revenue coming into the business and an incredibly high operating cost.
And in that period, McLean’s, the newsprint, the article came and asked, “So what’s your preference?” And I had to say, quite truthfully, I’ve never had our product, which of course is a very weird thing to say, because it’s highly controlled. There’s none of it sneaking out the back door and I didn’t have a medical prescription. And even if I did, we didn’t have a license to sell it to me. So they kind of took a shot at me by saying, “Well, he prefers red wine.” And I thought, “Well, that’s not really fair.” But we weren’t in this selling drugs. That’s not what we were doing. We were building a business that sold a medical product.
The three most influential people and their roles in helping to grow Adam’s business
Dawn: And I think that’s the difficulty. A lot of people’s perception and stigma that you’re up against. That makes it even more fascinating. Do you go under the term CBD? We see a lot of products like that, just to make it more understandable for listeners, they’re probably more familiar, I suppose, in the UK market, et cetera, as well, with the CBD products. One thing that interests me is that you will have met so many fascinating people even from the conversation with the lawyer and so on. Who would you say have been the three most influential in terms of getting this business where it is now?
Adam: Oh boy. Well, there’s a bunch, let me tell you, because like you said, we’ve had the good fortune of seeing all sorts of different things. the first one without a doubt would be Dr. Michael Munzar. He was the only outsider who invested in that first million dollar round. And it was through a friend of a friend who said, “I know a doctor in Montreal. He owns a clinic. He’s been on the board of big pharmaceutical companies. He might be interested.” It just so happens that Dr. Munzar was a little familiar with the product recreationally. So when he sat down with us, there was an instant kinship.
And I remember we were still running this business out of my house and it was a tiny little semi-detached near downtown Ottawa, and we’re trying to sit around my kitchen table. My daughter, my now oldest daughter was just an infant and she’s crying her lungs out in her room up above, and we’re trying to have this like very serious business meeting about growing a very big business, and we’re in my house with babies crying. It was kind of a surreal moment. But that’s what it was. This is as much of a startup story as there ever was.
All about the Billion Dollar Start-Up book
Dawn: And I think that’s what people relate to, isn’t it? I mean obviously you’ve written the book, the book’s come out second of Feb. What is the book about? I mean, obviously it’s talking about your journey, but what’s the biggest reason that someone wants to go out and buy this book?
Adam: So we tried to write this book for a couple of different audiences, but at its core, this is a book for entrepreneurs. Again, that mindset that we had, that it didn’t matter what it was, whether it was soybeans or widgets, throughout the book are a series of billion dollar tips and billion dollar lessons. It’s a very raw book because we were two 29 year olds, literally in a basement, a tiny little unfinished basement, bringing investors downstairs into that basement and saying, “We have a chance at building a billion dollar company.” Appreciate the absurdity of that statement.
And we learned a ton along the way. So we kept notes, we kept track. We had an excellent co-author, Julie Beun, who’s been with us for over five years. She was our publicist. She was our comms lead. And putting it together was like this great sit down over a coffee or a beer and what did you learn? That was how we approached the book. So entrepreneurs were first in mind. Of course there is anybody that’s interested in cannabis and medical cannabis and how it’s grown or how that side… There’s some of that. There’s also this element of the underdog story. It’s to two guys who had nothing to lose and something to prove.
How Adam’s entrepreneurial mindset began at age 10
Dawn: And I think that’s what people want to know about. I mean, your background… I mean, you obviously didn’t grow up thinking, “Right, I’m going to start a billion dollar company and the world’s going to be rosy.” Where did you start? What was your first career thought?
Adam: So the first business that I recall, I would have been 10. And I was blessed with parents that… On my mom, it was a constant confidence. In anything I wanted to do, she would always tell me, “You’d be the best at that.” And my dad was a guy who would always take me to the stream, but never gave me the water. And he would say, “Hey look, what do you think about this?” Let me give you the example of me being 10. It was a cold spring. I lived in Alberta here in Canada and we were trying to get our bikes up and running. The snow is just about gone and we could start to ride around. So we have to raise the seat, tighten the brakes, grease the chain, et cetera. And my dad would say questions like, “So do you think other people have to do this?” Do you think everyone has the tools to do this? And probably after about 45 minutes he would then say, “Do you think people would pay a couple of bucks for someone to do this for them?”
And then I’d be like, “Dad, wait, I have an idea.” So he would always make it mine, and he would give me this opportunity to have ownership over these ideas. And he just did that over and over again. So we started a little bike business, and I remember we printed off all these little advertisements, because he taught me, “Well, you got to get people to the door.” So I remember the dot matrix printer going nonstop that night, and we cut out these papers, and I handed them out at school. And I really remember putting myself out there for the first time being like, “Wow, I’m putting my image on the line. I’m opening myself up to this.” And the next morning, Saturday morning woke up early, woke me up, got dressed. I opened up the garage door and we stood and that driveway seemed very, very long when it wasn’t. And I thought, “What if no one shows up?” And you know what, that day I made a hundred bucks. And as a 10 year old that makes a hundred dollars because we got very lucky with the big flood of people, I was hooked.
The biggest challenge so far in growing the business
Dawn: See, I love these stories because this is, I think, true entrepreneurship. I mean, everyone has their own understanding, don’t they, of it and what it really means, but you often just see the level of success, don’t you? And I think what people need to see what they want to see is all the hardships along the way. If you had to say what was the hardest time, the time that you just felt most alone, it was horrible, and you just really did not know where you’re going to go. Where was that in your career, and how how’s that happened?
Adam: Sure. So that would have been during the building HEXO. And I think we talk a little bit about this in the book. There was this time where we had taken the $1.13 million from all of our family and friends, and there was literally… Sébastien mortgaged his house, I put every penny of savings we had, neither of us were taking a salary. We had everything on the line here. And I remember whether or not we would get a license was in great jeopardy. There was no certainty. We were continuing to spend money. It didn’t look good. We were having issues with regulations all of the way. We didn’t know if the city would give us a municipal business license because it was cannabis. And there were all these questions.
I remember the worst part for me, there was this moment where I thought, “Maybe we do need to think again about this.” There’s a little bit of money left over. Maybe we should just take it and pay back pennies on the dollar to all of our shareholders to at least do right by them. And Sébastien and I were always working together constantly. It was either in the basement or the pub down the street. It was the first and only time that we got on a call first thing in the morning, and I said, “Man, I don’t really know what we should be doing here. I think we need to think about this carefully.”
He drove over to my house immediately, and he only lived 10 minutes away, and we had coffee upstairs in my living room. It was the only time we ever did it. And it meant it was a serious deal for us to do this. You know that analogy where you’re lost at sea and one of the parents just has to keep rowing? On that day it was Sébastien who kept throwing and he looked at me and he said, full of BS, he said, “We are going to do this, and we are going to make this work.” And that was exactly what I needed to hear. We just kept pressing and we kept pushing and we didn’t stop.
How coming from nothing helped Adam to bet everything
Dawn: Wow. When you think about your journey, every entrepreneur has a slightly different story. What was your background? Where did you grow up in terms of… Do you come from affluent family? Where would you say you sat?
Adam: We definitely did not come from an affluent family. My parents had to work very, very hard. In fact, I spent most of my childhood in a small town called Two Hills, Alberta. Fun fact, there’s really only one hill. The river ate the other one over the last hundred years. But we moved to Two Hills by hitchhiking, all of our personal possessions were packed. You remember the mandarin oranges boxes that used to come around Christmas time? So basically everything we owned we packed into eight of those mandarin orange boxes, tied a string around them, put it on my shoulders, and the church that had been helping us gave us a little baby backpack, and we hitchhiked to a town called Two Hills from Edmonton.
And my dad walked up to a construction site. They were building a hospital. He was very young. He said, “Can I have a job?” They gave him a job and he ended up working there for 10 years after that hospital was built and made his way to becoming a journeyman electrician and was able to do exactly what any parent needed to do, which was provide for his kids and create opportunity and instill upon them the sense of opportunity to take on the world. So for us, it was a struggle, but one of the nice things about that is that coming from nothing made it very easy for me to bet everything. Because I think people are always afraid of the other side because they’ve never experienced it. And I thought, “Well hell, if we lose everything, I’ve been there. That’s okay. We can do that. We can survive.”
Dawn: So would you say that that gives you more of an element of being a risk taker because it’s all or nothing kind of thing?
Adam: 100%. Yeah.
Dawn: So if we think about, then, your entrepreneurship… In residency, sorry, entrepreneur in residency, how did that come about? Because that’s a pretty nice accolade to have where you’re giving something back, aren’t you now? How did that come about?
Adam: One of my favorite things to do is to talk about business ideas, and if I’m being really honest, it’s what I like to consider adventure capital, or at least that’s what my investment company does, is adventure capital, where before you have a bank account, before you have a real business plan, I want to talk to and see what you’ve got, see what it is, and those are the companies I like investing in. So a logical extension of that was to work with students. Not just business students, but students of any kind at a university that were exploring business ideas. So luckily for me, I had gone to a university in British Columbia called Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, and I was invited back to come speak to a group of graduates.
And that led to a couple more conversations. My family goes back in Kamloops on my mom’s side five generations, so I’ve always stayed in touch. And the dean of the school of business and economics was very kind. He, in fact, was in Ottawa for business. He came over for dinner. We had a great conversation. He said, “I think we can do something here.” He said, “We’ve got a lot of students with a lot of ideas, and I think they’d benefit from hearing from you.” So we put this together. Michael Henry, the dean, is really a visionary at these new roles and really making them impactful, and I get to speak to classes all the time. And it’s always about experience. I’m not here to profess. I am not an academic.
But I can share my experiences. I can share what I learned, mostly through failure, and I get to work one-on-one with students. Often even staff. I’ll do open office hours at the university and I remember one time one of the other deans’ assistant knocked on the door and she said, “Do you have 10 extra minutes? I actually have an idea I’ve been exploring myself.” And it’s like, “Come on in.” I love that. It’s a perfect gig for a guy like me who likes talking about business.
The one piece of advice Adam wishes he’d had 10 years ago
Dawn: Because we’ve seen a huge rise of what we call the employee-preneur. The person who is in a job, but is passionate about an idea. They’ve got something they want to do. What advice would you give to either someone who’s in business today, looking to start a business? As an entrepreneur, if there’s one piece of advice that you wish you’d had 10 years ago, what would it be?
Adam: Okay. It’s clear as day for me. There’s nothing wrong with being an employee/entrepreneur to figure out what that move is for you. But once you’ve latched onto your idea, the only way to make it work… I’m going to sound really old school here. Is to go all in. And I mean all in. If your mortgage doesn’t depend on your business, the odds are against you. This isn’t mine. This advice is something that was given to me by one of my great mentors. And I remember I was just a young university student and he had built many successful companies. And he said exactly that to me. When you find your business, he said, “You make damn sure that your mortgage depends on it and you have to go all in and you work relentlessly.” And I think there’s this combination that comes from it where if your mortgage or whatever your lifestyle is that depends on that business, you will work relentlessly, because I promise you, when you’re sleeping or resting or doing something else, your competition is working harder.
The resources Adam recommends for entrepreneurs
Dawn: And I think as an entrepreneur, your mind is always in that. I think that that’s the big change. I mean, we’ve seen during COVID a lot of people who’ve decided to start up their own businesses. It’s a brave move. If you could give any resources or books or references that you’ve used in your career that you think would help others, what would they be?
Adam: Well, I mean, if I’m being honest, I had the pleasure of reviewing your book last night, so thank you again for sending it to me. But I mean, COVID in particular, digital marketing has always been incredibly important. But I think it’s now all the more important because of COVID, that people aren’t walking around on the streets. The brick and mortars aren’t where they used to be. If you don’t have an incredible digital presence, I think that your odds of success are diminished by the day. I mean, I really enjoyed what you had in your book. And even the fact that it went just even beyond digital marketing, it was about time management, it was about everything. You really should have called this The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Becoming Successful.
But I think that is my biggest advice to anyone. If you’re going to start a business, there’s two things. Really make sure your online presence is everything, because right now that’s how businesses live or die. But two, don’t be afraid to do some market validation. People often think that market sampling, testing, validation is something big companies do. If I may, I’d love to share with you a quick anecdote. I had someone reach out to me who had asked for a small investment, 35 grand, because as a photographer and video maker, they realized… And this was about a year and a half ago, that there’s this new technology that was going to revolutionize and everyone was going to be using it. He said he can’t rent it anywhere, and people like me can’t all afford to buy it, so I want to go start to buy some of this equipment and then we’re going to rent it out.
And I said, “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll give you the 35 grand that you need to get started if you do one thing for me. For 30 days,” I said, “What’s your go to market strategy? How are you going to advertise this?” And he said, “Honestly, what we do in our trade, it’s mostly Craigslist and Kijiji for this rental stuff.” I said, “Great. Even easier. Put up an ad for the next 30 days, both on Craigslist and Kijiji, and offer that you have these for rent. And every time someone inquires and asked to rent it, say, ‘I’m sorry, we don’t have it available just yet. We will in 30 days.’ And come back to me.”
And 27 days later the guy came back to me, he’s like, “Oh my God, thank you.” He goes, “Two people reached out, and when I told them what I was thinking about my price, they both immediately turned around.” He goes, “Thank God we didn’t do that.” And think about that, for such a small business, the power of a little market test… I really think that more entrepreneurs could get into that habit of testing their product and service before they invest all this money and to try to make it real.
Dawn: Yeah, sure. Because coming up with an idea and it’s your idea, you have to understand whether consumers want it. I think the testing thing is something that we all get very excited, don’t we, when we come up with something. It’s easy to get absorbed into it and think it sounds fundamentally good, and then realize later, once you’ve invested all your assets and time and whatever, that it wasn’t the right thing to do. So if people want to go and find out a little bit more, where can they find you online and where can they find your book?
Adam: Thank you very much. Not that anyone would ever have a reason to, but if you were interested, you could go to Adam Miron, and that’s just my name, A-D-A-M-M-I-R-O-N.com. The book is called Billion Dollar Startup: The True Story of How Two 29 Year Olds Turned $35,000 into a Billion Dollar Company. It’s billiondollarstartup.com. You can find it online, Amazon, you name it, everywhere.
Dawn: See, I could talk on here all day. I mean, obviously you’ve got better things to do in your life, but I would imagine the listeners will have some questions, so we always ask, if you’re listening to the podcast, Dawn of a New Era, then feel free to reach out, connect with Adam, buy a copy of his book. And also feel free just to put questions below. So thank you for doing this today, and what is the next couple of months holding for you? What’s going to be happening?
Adam: Well, after I retired from HEXO… It was a conscious decision. I never wanted to be a stretcher founder. From the get go we said if we don’t fill the room with people smarter than us, it’s never going to work. And I remember I had a very impactful meeting where we were talking about pallet sizes amongst 10 different centers that we had across the country, and I just thought to myself, “This is not what I want to be doing. I’m an entrepreneur that likes to build things, not run things like that.” So I took the big leap, I retired, I stepped down, and I thought, “Okay, now I’m going to enjoy myself. I’m going to slow down.”
And I got very involved in another startup that I had been invested in. And I’m very proud to say that this new startup, Brain Capital, has exciting things in its future. I am working at least 60 hours a week again on this project, so that whole retirement thing is not true. And I’m enjoying myself being back in the entrepreneurial seat, if I’m being honest.
Dawn: Brilliant. I think it’s a fascinating journey, and obviously we will be following you and finding out more about what you’re doing. And obviously we will be reading your book. So thank you for today’s interview. I just think one of the things that right now, when we’re all a bit done with the day-to-day, the groundhog, the monotony the pandemic has brought, just to listen to where your story was at and where things can go, it just gives us possibilities. Is there one phrase or a saying that you always hold dear to you, that we can leave the listeners with?
Adam: Fill the room with people smarter than you and get out of the way.
Dawn: Exactly. Well on that note, we’re going to love you and leave you, but thank you so much for that, and it was fantastic to hear your story, and we cannot wait to find out more in your book. So remember guys, Billion Dollar Startup is ready to buy right now and you know where to get it. We’ll put the links below and you can check out Adam Miron’s profiles too. Take care.
Adam: Thank you.
Dawn: I hope you enjoyed this week’s episode, and don’t forget, I’m going to be with you each and every week. So download and listen on dawnmcgruer.com or on iTunes and come and join us in our Facebook community, too. All the details are on the website and I’ll see you next week.
Remember to join me and all my Podcast Guests on Facebook Dawn McGruer's Marketing * Motivation * Mindset Group Speaker. Author. Podcaster. Strategist. Multi-award-winning speaker, strategist & best-selling author of Dynamic Digital Marketing - Helping to inspire entrepreneurs to rise to meet today’s challenges and be powerfully present to shine online. Connect with me and let’s Dream Big * Work Hard * Make it Happen Ways to work with me |