Being an internet marketer is tough. There are no doubts about it.
There are just so many things you will have to go through in a typical day. As all those tasks are so important for the success and sustainable growth of your business, you can’t afford to miss any of them.
Moreover, the dynamics of the digital marketing world are changing at a very rapid pace. Being a good digital marketer, you don’t only have to perform your daily tasks efficiently, but you also have to keep yourself fully updated with all the changes and news in the industry.
Furthermore, a professional internet marketer also has a keen on what the future holds. The ability to anticipate, prepare and execute is absolutely crucial in the internet marketing world – along with constantly expanding one’s reach.
So how does an internet marketer keep up with all this?
This is a question that most newbies want to know. And they should know and understand it as soon as possible. It makes a good foundation for a thriving digital marketing career.
So in this post, let’s discuss a common day in the life of an internet marketing guru. What tasks does she have to perform? Is there a pattern to it? If not, how does she make sure not to forget an important task?
Let’s get started.
1. Content Marketing Strategy
As an internet marketer, you need to have a very solid content marketing strategy in place.
The whole premise of your digital marketing business is based around sharing valuable information, driving visitors, and establishing your authority and credibility with them.
A solid and well-established content marketing strategy is the most important thing for that.
So what are some of the few important things that an internet marketer has to do?
Here are a few steps that you can take on a daily basis to strengthen your content marketing strategy:
- Coming up with powerful keywords and new ideas for blog posts is probably the most important step for a content marketing strategy.
- So first of all, brainstorm to find some new topics that your readers would be interested in.
- Do those new topics solve a particular problem for your targeted prospects?
- Do they convey clear and concise information?
- More importantly, do you have an audience that would be interested in learning what you have to say?
If yes, great!
You can always use a brainstorming tool to find new ideas.
Some of the popular brainstorming tools are:
- Once you find these keywords, it is time to measure their potential. So the next step for a professional internet marketer is to check the potential of these keywords by running them through various tools. Some of the tools that you can use are:
- Google Keyword Planner (for having an idea on the total search volume and level of competition for a particular keyword)
- Buzz Sumo (to identify topics with proven track records, popularity and highest social media shares)
- Reddit (to see what people in your niche are talking about and what type of content is getting more attention)
- If you are serious about building a thorough content marketing strategy, you need to have an editorial calendar. Plan all your tasks in advance. Furthermore, on a daily basis, you will have to check your editorial calendar to see if you are keeping up with it. So in this content marketing segment, evaluating your progress is another important step. See how you are keeping up with your editorial calendar and make necessary adjustments if you aren’t.
- Lastly, as an internet marketer who wants to make it big, you will often have to come up with case-studies, guides and digital products of your own. Whether you want to give it away for free or sell the product, it is up to you. But you will still have to set aside a specified amount of time for creating these contents and resources. So start creating one of these resources. If you already have started, it is highly recommended to spend some time on it on a daily basis.
2. Social Media Marketing
In the current digital marketing world, social media marketing is probably its strongest pillar.
There are tons of things that you are supposed to do in the social media arena. In fact, it can easily get so overwhelming that you end up doing absolutely nothing.
And no, in case you’re wondering, wishing friends for their birthdays on Facebook doesn’t count as social media marketing.
So what are the steps that you, as an internet marketer, will have to take for social media marketing?
- First of all, identify any loopholes that may be leaking some traffic. Have you fully integrated your blog and website with your social media profiles? Are your blog readers easily able to find your social media profiles? And can they directly share your blog posts on various social media websites?
- Secondly, you should visit all your social media profiles – Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, etc. – and accept any new friend requests. Furthermore, reply to posts, tweets and messages that you get.
- Browse the web and post relevant and useful content for your social media fans and followers. Make sure that the content is highly useful and relevant to your niche.
- Share a simple tip or piece of information that is exclusive to your social media fans. When you share exclusive content on social media, it encourages users to follow your blog, email list, as well as your social media profiles.
- Use an app like Buffer to schedule your social media posts. By scheduling, you make sure that all your followers – from across the globe – get your tweets and posts at an ideal time.
- Connect with other industry-leaders on social media networks, interact with them, share their contents, and build relationships.
- Connect, interact and follow people who engage with your shared content. If they like and retweet your content, there is a greater chance that they will become avid fans and followers.
3. E-mail List Building
For an internet marketer, the e-mail list is considered to be her biggest and most important asset.
You just can’t do anything without your e-mail list.
You can’t make connections; you can’t nurture leads; you can’t make any substantial amount of money. Without your e-mail list, you can’t do anything significant in online marketing.
So how does an internet marketing professional spend his time on email list building?
Let’s see:
- Tracking is the most important part of any successful email list-building campaign. So evaluate the statistics and data to see how your list is growing. Did you experience a surge in new subscribers? If yes, what was the source? If no, how can you change that?
- Welcome new subscribers with a greeting-email (this can be done automatically via auto-responders, if you know how to do it)
- Moreover, personally reply to all the messages you got from your email subscribers. It is really important to stay connected with them all the time.
- Write an exclusive tip for your e-mail subscribers. You don’t have to send these tips on a daily basis. One exclusive tip per week is a good idea, but make sure you work on it every day.
- Segment your subscribers for better management and nurturing.
- Split test different variables in your e-mail marketing campaign and opt-in forms to increase the number of subscribers you get every day.
4. Guest Blogging
Have you ever wondered why so many internet marketers fail and, on the other hand, some of them just succeed at whatever they do?
The successful marketers have an enormous audience and their every post and product get tons of eyeballs and traffic. This is because they regularly put themselves out there in the open via guest blogging.
Guest blogging has various benefits in the online marketing world. As a matter of fact, all the growth of your social media networks and e-mail list is greatly dependent on your guest blogging practices.
It builds connections with other successful bloggers and internet marketers. It increases your audience, and it increases your credibility.
So here are a few things that an internet marketer has to do for guest blogging:
- Identify the most popular blogs within your niche. Shortlist a few blogs that you are approachable. Moreover, you can always categorise these blogs into different ranks – based on their popularity and your accessibility.
- Follow their bloggers and regular contributors on social networking websites and start connecting.
- Start commenting on those blogs to build your presence there.
- Contact those bloggers and pitch your blog post ideas for guest blogging. Some of them may even recommend you to make things even easier.
- Once you manage to publish your guest-posts to those popular blogs, create a backlink to the landing page of your own blog. This technique is really important in getting more traffic, subscribers and higher search engine rankings.
- Lastly, don’t forget to promote those guest-posts. Once you have published a guest-post on a popular blog, make every possible effort to promote it as much as you can.