In this episode, I’m joined by Vicky Owens, the 24-year-old powerhouse behind a rapidly growing social media agency. 

From launching her business at 21 in her bedroom to working with major clients like Netflix, Vicky shares the highs, the challenges, and the mindset shifts that have shaped her journey. 

We talk about building confidence, taking big risks, and navigating success at such a young age – plus a few funny, heartwarming stories along the way. 

If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to scale a business while staying true to yourself, you’re in the right place!


  • (05:23) The Power of Going Viral
  • (10:43) Mindset Shifts and Confidence Growth
  • (18:30) Navigating Negative Comments and Trolling 
  • (24:58) The Importance of a Strong ‘Why’ 
  • (30:11) Balancing Growth, Team Management, and Life 
  • (36:17) Lessons from Building Confidence as a Speaker
  • (42:02) “We’re All Going to Die – So Just Go For It”

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 Dawn McGruer

Hey, it’s Dawn McGruer, the business growth coach.

And welcome to Dawn of a New Era, the podcast where we talk all things health, wealth, and happiness, and where founders share the good and bad and ugly of being an entrepreneur.

 Dawn McGruer

So welcome to the island series of Dawn of a New Era podcast. So excited to have you on. Share a little bit about who you are and what you do.

Vicky Owens

My name is Vicky. I own a social media agency that has grown very rapidly, which I started around two years ago.

And I would say our sort of USP is that we help brands to go mega viral, and I think that’s how it grew so fast. So I started it when I was about 21 in my bedroom. I had a lot of mental health problems, which is why I started it.

And I think because we were getting such large results for clients, it just scaled massively. And now I’ve got a team that I manage every day. We work with massive clients.

And I’ve had to adapt and learn very, very fast. Hence why I know Dawn and just sort of learn as I go. And it’s been very fun, but very overwhelming.

 Dawn McGruer

It’s been one heck of a journey. It’s been a rollercoaster. So we’ve known each other for about two years, and there’s been a lot that’s gone on.

There’s been a lot of travel as well.

Chart out what the biggest differences are, because for me, one of the biggest shifts I’ve seen in you is your mindset, but also your confidence shift has been massive. And I just to even see how you’ve shown up on the island in the past few days really makes me feel very emotional.

So how has things changed for you over the past two years? Like, what has been your journey?

 Vicky Owens

I think it’s gone from being this really small, small thing to this really big thing.

And as you have a bigger business, you meet bigger business owners, you surround yourself with these different people and have these experiences that I didn’t even know really existed, and that naturally changes your mindset. And it also makes these big things that I’ll often stress about seem so small.

Because at the end of the day, to run a business, we all are about making money and being more driven and better people. So. So when there’s anything outside of that that’s coming in, being around people like this, you’re just like, gosh, that’s just so insignificant.

And I think, yeah, just.

Just the difference in people I’ve surrounded myself with, like, when I first Started out, I feel like people didn’t really understand what I was doing. They weren’t very supportive. There’s a lot of jealousy aspects when you’re doing things that are big because people aren’t doing it themselves.

So I think for me, just changing the people around me has been massive, and it just makes everything that I’m stressing about seem really tiny and just fixable. Like, I can come to you with anything and just be like, oh, we’ll just do that, and then it’s fixed.

So I think my mindset shift has just been massive and definitely still on a journey with it. But I think that it’s massively changed in a really short space of time. And naturally, you attract different people when your mindset changes.

 Dawn McGruer

I think, well, I’ve seen you really step into your power. Definitely. For me, a pivotal moment was when you stood on stage and you started your journey as a speaker.

What has been the best experience about that for you?

 Vicky Owens

I think just, like, after speaking, people came up to me and said, like, it made them emotional or that they’ve watched my journey and they wanted to meet me, or that I’ve inspired them. And they were all girls that were, like, my age or younger, because that’s like, something I like.

I would watch people growing up and want to be like them. So I was like, how is this even, like, a real thing that people are listening to me and.

And they’re interested in what I’m saying and that I inspire them? So people coming up to me afterwards was like a massive pinch me moment. And then I remember I came off the stage and Lauren, my sister, came up to me.

She was crying. We were both crying and we were really emotional that day.

And I think just like, my outfit, I was in, like, a big pink suit and these really high heels, and I just felt like the best version of myself. I was like, I wish I could relive that day every day.

But, yeah, it’s just when people come up to you and tell you how much of an impact you’ve made on their life is, like, crazy.

 Dawn McGruer

Absolutely. It makes it all worthwhile.

Now, you know, I talk about this a lot, but I always say that I believe in stepping into the best version of yourself and living that life to make it reality and, you know, that dream big, make it happen is my mantra. What has been the scariest part of making that shift in business and also.

 Vicky Owens

In life, a lot of it is to do with, like, money. So, like, when you have a bigger business, you start making more money. And the risks become bigger.

So you have to invest in things that are a lot of money and if it goes wrong, you just don’t even want to think about it.

But I think that people that do well, they take those risks because you can’t even comprehend not running a business and going back to like working a 9 to 5 job or something like that. So. So I feel like one of the reasons I’ve done well is because I have a very delusional mindset.

I’ve always been like that since I was a child, where I just assume everything’s gonna work out and everything’s gonna be fine. And that really triggers a lot of people. And some people don’t like that I’m like that.

 Dawn McGruer

But that’s not delusional, that’s belief.

 Vicky Owens

Yeah. Like, I’m always like, everything will be fine.

 Dawn McGruer

And that’s a superpower.

 Vicky Owens

And I think some people don’t like it because if they’re very realistic, they’ll be like, vic, like, life isn’t like that. It doesn’t always go your way. But I’m just like, no, no, it will. And it just somehow does. Obviously there’s.

There’s times when it feels like it isn’t, but it works out for a reason.

So I think that having that mindset has been a massive help to me because everything I do, even if it feels really, really scary, I’ll just go, it’ll work out. And like, if it doesn’t, something else better will come out of it.

So when I have to make really big decisions or like, even in the past month we’ve had to hire three full time new employees. That was terrifying. But I was just like, it’ll work out and it’ll be fine. And, and it is so far.

So you’ve just got to be really ballsy and just like, just go in and just do it. Which is scary.

 Dawn McGruer

And how have you found, obviously going into offices, building a business, working with family members, what has been like the highs and lows?

 Vicky Owens

I think definitely the first high was when I hired my sister to work with me full time. And now I have like my partner that works me full time. That’s like insane that I pay their salaries and they love their job.

And I think as well, just when like the team say how much they love their job and I get to give them experiences and like travel with them. And I think that obviously I had a nice upbringing, but, like, I didn’t get to do things like that.

So sometimes I think because it’s all Happened so fast, I don’t get much time to reflect. And then I’ll be like, on like a boat in Barbados and just be like, oh, my God, I’m in a boat in Barbados.

And like being paid to just sit here and work and it’s just crazy. But I think that it’s really nice when you surround yourself with people in the same boat as you because they celebrate that as well.

Whereas people that don’t want you to succeed, they make it seem like it’s a small thing. So, like, I would speak to like my friends, my family and be like, oh my gosh, I’ve done this massive thing. And they’d really downplay it.

And then I think naturally you have to like compress it and not speak about it.

Whereas I feel like when you connect with people that are on the same sort of path as you, you feel like you can just say anything and they’ll be like, that’s amazing. And no one’s jealous of you or like a competition to you. Everyone just wants to be the best and just stay in their own lane, which is really nice.

 Dawn McGruer

And what has been your biggest takeaway? Obviously, we’ve been on the island in Oxfordshire for a few days now.

What’s been the biggest thing that’s kind of resonated that you think, I’m going to take away, I’m going to action.

 Vicky Owens

I think for me, I always have a block with habits, like, which, you know, I was gonna say I always have a block with habits and looking after myself.

So, like, I’m always like, oh, I need to read more and I need to do yoga more and all this stuff and I just don’t do it because I’m like, well, instead of going to a yoga class, I could be working on the business or I could be doing this and I just don’t prioritize it.

And I was speaking to Maggie and she was just like, when you think about people that are like seven, eight, nine figure business owners, they all have habits and it’s like they have to do it and it’s do or die for them. And she was like, that’s what’s going to separate you from where you are now to get you that next point.

 Dawn McGruer

Yeah, it’s your non negotiables.

 Vicky Owens

Yeah. And it’s how you function and you have, you have to do those things.

And I think I’m thinking of that now more as like, if I do these things, that’s going to make me more productive, happier, calmer. So I think when I Sometimes think of business owners or CEOs people like joke about and be like, oh, she have to get a blow dry, she off to Pilates.

Like they’re never working.

But to me, now I understand that because I, I think it’s more productive for me to go to a Pilates class or go and sit and have my hair done for an hour and really just relax and take time out so I can come back in the next day and be really driven and just keep going every day with the same day and being burnt out.

So I think that hearing that was just a bit of like a, a wake up call of like, right, this is like something I need to do now to take me to the next level. Because if I’m not at my best, then the business can’t be. And I’m definitely not at my best at the minute, I would say.

 Dawn McGruer

I mean, identifying where your energies need to go and what is going to be the best for you and the business is, is a key thing. And this is something that a lot of people struggle with. So to be able to identify that obviously we need habits is core.

I totally believe that the foundation to success is when you have your nervous system in regulation. You know, for me, having good habits is not me saying I want to do this. It’s.

It’s changing the environment so that I’m linking the habit with something that either I have really strongly established in my life, something that I know that I love doing and I link it. It’s a bit like brushing your teeth and then having that routine and then thinking, well, I’m going to add flossing to it and mouthwash.

So what we do as leaders and entrepreneurs is that when we find something that is in flow, that is working, we attach it to a positive habit. So I think the big shifts that I’ve seen obviously have been about mindset and confidence. But let’s talk about the business side of things.

One of the things that happened to you earlier this year is you obviously have videos that go viral. People will find that totally unattainable and it will trigger people.

What has been your experience in handling the negative, like the trolling that comes with it?

 Vicky Owens

At first, I am not someone that can take criticism or negativity, so I would just cry and spiral.

Like one of the things for me that stuck with me was that people that are successful and the people I want to be like, and I’m becoming like they are not wasting their time making videos about other people, writing comments on people’s posts. So as hard as it is, and like, I do still struggle with it now, and I still fixate on that one bad comment versus the good ones.

I just tried to just feel a bit sorry for them rather than anything else. But it’s hard because especially when you’re doing well, people can’t believe it.

They want to be in your position and they’re upset that they’re not in your position, so they’ll try and find things.

So I always notice when people aren’t happy in themselves, they’ll say like, oh, yeah, it seems like Dawn’s doing great, but have you noticed that she always does this? Like, they’ll find a butt to, like.

 Dawn McGruer

They always want to take you down.

 Vicky Owens

They’ll be like, there’s no way that she can just be doing well. There’s always like a. Well, it seems, you know, she comes from money or she does this. Like, they always try and justify seeking a validation. Yeah.

When it’s just like, no, she’s just doing well. And I think that because there wasn’t.

And there’s still not loads, but I find it hard to find people my age that are on at the same level as where I’m at with the business. I think when I was sharing that online, a lot of people were like, no, this. This is too good to be true.

Like, she must have come from a lot of money or she must have, like, you know, screwed people over to get to that point sort of thing.

And then it just became scary because people were just trying to find everything they could on me and they were looking me up on, like, company’s house and my. And trying to find my address and stuff like that.

And it’s so hard because you just want to make a video and justify yourself, but you shouldn’t have to justify yourself.

 Dawn McGruer

Yeah, you’re falling into their trap and it’s, you know, it’s your truth, not theirs. So if you think about then the fact that there are lots of people out there who you inspire, but they feel that, you know, you’re 24.

How do they get there? I mean, I started my business at 21. I know what it was.

Like, what advice would you give them to kind of make it feel like they can have this infinite possibilities and opportunities and success.

 Vicky Owens

I think that it’s something that’s sort of ingrained in you. So, like, I’ve always been a doer and some people around me aren’t doers.

So they just prefer like a more simple life, like just clocking and clocking out, like they don’t have that drive. And I’m like that in every phase of my life. Like, if I want to paint my bedroom, I’ll buy the paint today and paint it.

Like, I can’t sit around and wait for it. So I think you have got to have an aspect of that. But I always talk about how important it is to have a really, really strong why and an end goal.

Because if you’ve not got that, it won’t fire you up to do what you want to do.

So, like, with my social media, I think when I was like six months into my business, it just, it kind of started like this, then it went down a bit and then it went back up. And when I was at the down part, that was my why? Because I was like, I can’t lose this, I have to carry on with it.

So my drive was to save the business. So I posted every day for 30 days. Loads of reels went viral and then it got the business back up again.

So I think that when people are struggling with it and they feel like their business is stagnant and they’re not getting clients, they’re not. They’re just not pushing themselves to the. The hardest that they can.

I do believe that you can have a balance of, of business and personal life, but I think in the first few years it’s all about push.

You’ve really got to push things and sacrifice things and loads of people say to me, and I agree with them, but, like, you need to look after yourself and prioritize your relationships and stuff like that.

But I think you do need a bit of a sprint at the start and then once you’ve got those bits managed, then you can start to calm it down a little bit more and implement these things, like. But I think at the start it’s got to be quite like, push, push, push to get where you want to get to. And you have.

 Dawn McGruer

Yeah, there’s always going to be sacrifices. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows.

When you start a business and sometimes it’s tough, sometimes you have really bad challenges in business or times where you feel really knocked that your resilience kind of really has to kind of take an extra step up. What was the one point where you just thought, you know what, Like, I’ve had enough. Like, have you had that in business yet?

Where you’ve just thought, I don’t. I’m not sure I can go on.

 Vicky Owens

Yeah, I think the more the team’s grown, because I never started with the intent of having a team I always just thought it would just be me. And now there’s six of us.

And, yeah, when I’ve had problems before with staff, or when you’ve had a bad month and you’re like, God, am I going to be able to pay them this month? But I think recently it’s been hard because I’ve got my new puppy. He’s like having a newborn child. There’s just been such big growth recently.

Literally the week just like, I had a cry in the garden, I was just like, I just can’t do this. I. I just don’t know how I’m supposed to do it. But whenever I say that, I never mean it. I’m just like, I can’t do it now.

But my why, like, I know what my why is, so it pushes me to carry on with it because I can’t give up with it because I’ve come so far. But for me, the hardest part, I find, is running a team and being kind but authoritative and having them respect you, especially as a younger boss.

People think they can take advantage of you and walk all over you. And, yeah, I think that’s been the biggest challenge for me.

 Dawn McGruer

I would agree. I think team has always been the hardest, hands down aspect of business and when you get that in flow, it’s the most magical as well.

Yeah, so it’s kind of like the hardest but the best part working, obviously in social media. One of the things that lots of people want to know is you’ve talked about this, what is your why, what is your bigger mission and vision?

 Vicky Owens

So I think one of the reasons for me and what, what I hope to get in the next few years is at a point where I can sort of detach a little bit from the business and step away and have children. Because my dream job from being a child was to be a mum.

So I would love in the next, like two, three years to just like be at a point where I don’t need to be in the business all the time and just take some time out and enjoy that.

And I just think having a family where you just don’t need to stress about money, but you don’t necessarily need to be on a private jet every day and, you know, like billionaires, but just like, I’m really comfortable with money is one of them and I think just making an impact, like, I get so inspired by things and I want people to have that when they listen to me speak and be like, oh, my God, I really resonate with that. I feel really, really inspired by that because we all watch loads of stuff online, we go to loads of talks.

Sometimes you listen to it, but you don’t absorb it. And I think we’ve all had that speaker or person where it’s.

You’ve really connected with them and something inside you change from that day and it makes a massive impact in your life. And that’s. That’s what I want to do with my audience now.

So I think that’s the direction I want to move into, is where I’m a bit less in the business and a bit more of my own personal brand speaking and then getting to a point where I can have little babies.

 Dawn McGruer

So let’s talk about Toby, the newborn, the baby, the current baby puppy. One of my favorite moments, which I will remember forever, is the zoom call with Vicky, who was getting the puppy, told me no one else knew.

And I was messaging, like, when’s the puppy coming? Where’s the puppy coming? We had a call and you literally look like life was ending.

Talk to me about, like, the challenges of obviously moving into a new house, having a new puppy, expanding the team, traveling. Like, what is that all like for you right now?

 Vicky Owens

It’s really overwhelming. And it’s like, I don’t have a lot of time to myself to. To really sit and reflect, which is what I would love to be able to do.

But I think I’ve just tried to not be frustrated with myself. So, like, when people have a puppy, they are mad. But I’ve just said to myself, it’s not going to last forever.

And me and Matt, we laugh about it, like, even though it’s so hard. And we’ve both been close to the point of he.

I’m sure he’s probably had a cry somewhere behind closed doors, but we just, like, get into bed every night and we just. We just sit and laugh and be like, oh, my God. Like, we just love him so much.

So I think I’ve just been like, it’s not a forever thing and it’s okay when you own a business.

Like, everyone will have a time where something really, like, hits the fan and it’s a big thing that happens and, like, you’re okay to just deal with it and, and be stressed and be anxious for a bit and feel it. You can’t just be like, no emotion, right? I have to run the team. I can’t deal with this right now.

So I’ve just been trying to just say to myself, it’s not a permanent thing, and just find ways to. To cope. So, like, we’ll like co parent. And he’ll have him sometimes and I’ll have him sometimes. But it’s. It doesn’t have to just be fix.

Like, I’m just trying to somewhat enjoy it, like, but I know that it’ll. It’ll calm down. It won’t be a forever thing.

 Dawn McGruer

It definitely will. My puppies are now too. Patty and Murphy are now little gems. So it will definitely come.

So thinking about the past two years, obviously there’ve been some magical moments. What’s been the most inspiring moment or something that someone said that you’ve just gone. Yeah, like, this is. This is the journey I’m on.

 Vicky Owens

I think just when, like, I meet people and they know who I am already is really weird. And it’s not like a, like, celebrity, like, oh, my God. It’s more just like, they know you, they’re already inspired by you.

So, like, me and Lauren went to an event and, like, the host of the event, I didn’t really know her, and she was just like, I was so excited that you were on the list. And, oh, my gosh, you’ve just inspired me so much. I can’t believe you’re here. And I was just like, oh, right.

Like, I didn’t even know because I hadn’t, like, done much speaking and stuff, but it was even just the content I was putting out. It’s happened a few times now where people are just like, oh, my gosh, like, I just can’t believe I meet.

And you’re like, you’re so inspiring to me because I don’t reflect much. I don’t think about, like, is this inspiring what I’m doing? I’m just doing my job. So I think for me, that’s been like, a crazy moment.

And just when people, like, a friend of a friend of a friend might be like, oh, she wanted to know this, or they wanted to DM you and stuff. And I’m like, how do they even know who I am? So that’s just mad.

And it makes me, like, so emotional because that was like, the first time that happened is she walked away and I looked alone. I was like, I feel like I’m gonna cry. It’s just so weird, isn’t it? Like, because you’ve had that as well.

You know, people like, I’ve read your book, and you just be like, what?

 Dawn McGruer

Yeah, I was on a plane after lockdown, and I was like, oh, my goodness. I mean, I can’t lie. It was. It was lovely. Because the thing is, is it’s being. Being Proud of your work.

And when you’re in it, we forget what perception is of other people versus, like reality. So our reality is that we’re just doing the thing, doing the work, putting the hours in, changing lives, doing all these things.

And then when you connect and you meet the people, that, that’s when the magic happens. But the thing is, is that we have to celebrate those moments and be proud of it because it’s not about being elevated in social status.

It’s being elevated and being proud that you are making waves in your industry and you’re carving this out.

And that is something really special because, you know, to be a business owner, there is only a few percentage of female business owners that get, get even past the third year. But for business owners at your level, there is even fewer. There’s like 1%.

And I think this is the thing that people will either embrace and you will inspire or they could be triggered. And it’s a balance because not everybody is going to be nice.

Is there a point in business over the past couple of years that you felt that someone has taken advantage of you?

 Vicky Owens

Yeah, I think. And my sister Lauren, she, she’s a great judge of character and I think that’s why we work really well together.

Because I just want to help people because I know what it’s like to start a business. So I offer my office up to people if they want to work somewhere. If they’re like struggling to get clients, I’ll give them some of my clients.

And I’ve had to just reign that in a little bit because you just don’t know what people’s intentions are, which is really sad.

So, yeah, I’ve just tried to keep people at a distance a bit first because especially when it’s business owners, they want something out of you or they want to know like, how can I go viral, Vic? And they want to sit down with you for a bit and things like that. So I think that, yeah, I just have to like, keep my wits about me a bit more. But.

And not just.

I always just assume the best about everyone when I think I’ve, I’ve also, I think like the, the, the darker side of business is that some people have really poor intentions. And another thing I always speak about is that I try not to just look at what the people are doing because it’s not real.

Like I’ve seen firsthand when people share like their income and that’s not their income, although share a client they’re working with and they’ve never worked with that client in their life.

So I just try not to compare myself to other people now because even when I share things sometimes, like I might be like here at a retreat, but I might be stressing about something, I don’t share that. So I just try to just stay in my own lane and not really let that get into my head.

 Dawn McGruer

So in terms of social media, things are changing a lot. Like even people talking about Tick Tock not even being here at the end of the year with the changes, I mean, it’s mind blowing.

Where do people need to put their efforts right now? Like you talk about going viral. Is Tick Tock the place?

 Vicky Owens

It is the place. But you can do it on Instagram. I think Tick Tock’s just easier to do it and it’s faster.

But I think the beauty with Tick Tock is that if you go viral on that, people will find you on Instagram. So I’ve put all my focus into Tick Tock and my Instagram’s growing with it. So it’s like best of both worlds.

But if I feel like I focused on just Instagram, I don’t think anyone would go to my Tick Tock from my Instagram unless I physically promoted it. So I think the beauty of Tick Tock is the algorithm is just amazing how it works.

So like I was posting like three times a day for 10 days and got 10,000 followers in 10 days. And that opened up brand deals, partnerships, creative fund, which you get paid for.

So I think I would still utilize it and just like repurpose some of them and put them on Instagram and that’s going to be my goal next because that will naturally grow with the Tick Tock. But it is scary when you think about one of those being taken away.

But I think that’s something I’ve learned as well is that I need to have like email marketing, LinkedIn, like all these different places, not just one platform. Because if that goes, it’s like, who am I? Like what, what am I doing?

So I need to have those all set up properly, which is what I’ve been trying to do. But Tick Tock for me has just been an absolute game changer. It’s crazy how fast you can grow on there.

 Dawn McGruer

See, I’ve seen a lot of shifting creators where they, you know, they worry about just being on LinkedIn or Instagram or YouTube and things like that. So they’re using things like Tick Tock to cross pollinate, to grow YouTube channels. What’s your views around that?

 Vicky Owens

Yeah, I do think YouTube shorts that’s very overlooked.

Like that’s a massive way of growing and I think that’s something that I might look to go down because I always think that it is good to go somewhere that’s not too overpopulated. Like we all use Instagram and Tick Tock, so why not go to YouTube shorts? Because there’s not many of us on there.

So I think that it’s good to use content from one platform and sort of repurpose it in different ways. But that’s the key thing is repurposing it, not just putting it on.

So it’s like making it shorter for Instagram or like using different fonts and different texts and like making sure you’re like complying to the algorithms. Like Instagram’s all about the words and having a bit of a longer caption.

Tick Tock’s just like short and sweet and like a few hashtags and it’s really simple to use. So, yeah, I think people over complicate social media a lot and it doesn’t need to be.

And I’m always quite brutal with content because I’m always just like, it’s really simple. If the content didn’t perform, it just wasn’t good. And it’s a really hard pill to swallow sometimes.

But people will interact with things if it’s a good piece of content.

 Dawn McGruer

I suppose it’s not about getting too emotionally attached to.

 Vicky Owens


 Dawn McGruer

And being able to learn from it rather than like, oh my goodness, it’s not. It’s not performed because yeah, some things will. Will fly and some things won’t. Who has been your biggest inspiration then on your journey?

Who have you looked at and thought, oh my goodness, like, I love what you’re doing, be it in your space or others.

 Vicky Owens

I think I found it hard at the start because I hadn’t really seen anyone that was my age doing what I was doing. So I didn’t really know it was like a thing. Like, I. I just thought of this as like getting a job anywhere else and this is just my job.

And then I think when I started to like hit bigger, like months financially, like, my mum used to be like, vic, that’s quite like, that’s a lot of money for someone of your age. And I’d be like, is it? And then. Cause I had no concepts. I still don’t really have concept now of like, what’s the average job paid?

I don’t know this because I just went straight into doing that. So, yeah, I think that just having moments like that I was just like, whoa, this is crazy.

But, yeah, I suppose, like, I’d have people that I look up to, like Grace Beverly and Stephen Barlow and all the classic ones, but I’d say I look up to them, but I don’t know if I idolize them. Like, I don’t think there’s anyone that I’m like, like, wow. Like, they fire me up and they make me feel, like, really inspired.

So I think that’s why I’m really pushing to be that person in my industry, because I’ve spoke to a lot of people my age and they’re all a bit like, yeah, I don’t know, like, I like this person, but I don’t know if this. And, you know, I like that, but I don’t know about that. So I’m hoping that I can be that person for people that are just starting out now.

And I get a loads of messages about, you know, how to do it and how to set up, and I don’t even know what advice to give them, really, because I don’t really know, to be honest. I just ended up here.

Dawn McGruer

So you’re going to Paris, your favorite place in a couple of days time, and your partner’s taking you away for a special trip. We all know that, if you didn’t already, Emily in Paris, tell us about your connection with the show.

 Vicky Owens

Oh, my gosh, that was crazy.

So I think for me, that was, like, one of the catalysts that made the business blow up, because at first I was working with, like, nail salons or, like, local cafes, local businesses that were paying me like, a couple hundred pounds a month. And then it was a really funny story.

So I’ve always had comments my whole life saying that I look like Lily Collins, who’s from Emily in Paris, if you didn’t know. And I used to work at Hollister. People used to always say it to me, like, all the customers and stuff.

And then I was in my office and one of my friends took a video of me and just said, like, pov, you work with the real life Emily in Paris. And it got like 2 million views. And all the comments were like, oh, my God, I thought this was her, blah, blah, blah.

And we thought it was really funny and we just didn’t really think anything of it.

And then a couple days later, I got an email from a woman, I think she’s called Amanda, and she was like, we, like, work on the, like, PR team for Emily in Paris that’s about to come out. You’re seeing a video and we would love you to create some content for us because you look like Lily Collins. You’ve got a bit of a following.

You are of social media. So I was like, I did, I thought it was like a spammy thing. So I like did some research on her and the company and stuff.

And then, yeah, I just like created some content of like, her looks for the show. Speaking about the show a bit. And then I posted that on my social. I think it got like near to a million views just because I looked like her.

And then just like, just like telling people that. And I did, I did a later post saying that I work with Net Netflix and this is what happened.

And we worked with the show and having that credibility, other brands were like, I want a slice of this now.

So then we started to attract other bigger brands and that was like the moment for us where it opened so many doors and where we were able to say, we’ve worked with Netflix and, you know, we’ve learned about, like, how even posting that helps the show gain more traction. And then, since then, we became like a tick tock partner.

So, like we went to the hq, we learn what works, what doesn’t work, and then we get like referrals for clients and tick tock themselves, like, recommend us to clients, which is amazing. So, yeah, but I would always just say when you get one opportunity like that, like really just milk it.

Like, I just spoke about it so much and we always talk about PR and like, if you get featured in the news or anything like that, like, even though it will trigger people and it’ll annoy people. And I know that people probably think I speak about myself all, all the time and I’m always posted about myself, but who else is going to?

So I, I just post about as much as I can and that sticks in people’s brains. Like, I speak to so many people on calls and I’d say like 50 of the calls I go on, people are like, oh, you’re the Emily in Paris girl.

And I’m like, yeah. Or like, oh, you’re the girl that does this, you’re the girl that does that. Because that’s the messaging that I push out so much.

Because people just remember it, don’t they?

Like, if you just keep pushing, like we were saying, like, if you keep pushing, like I run the best retreats in the UK or I own the UK’s best social media agency. If you put that message out, like every day, you keep saying it, that’s what people will think in their head. So it’s just pushing out.

And it’s all about perception, isn’t it?

 Dawn McGruer

Always? We love, always love perception. And I think it’s our favorite topic.

So knowing you, obviously, I know your personality and I know that you’re very funny and you have a very dry sense of humor. But the thing is, is sometimes, obviously in social media, people will see the. The travel, the nice outfits, the team, the social media.

So always on my podcast, always, I always ask to share the most embarrassing story that has ever happened. And this is always my favorite part of the podcast because this is where I get like, to find out kind of who is Vicky?

 Vicky Owens

I’ve got two that stick out that are really, really, really bad that I can speak about now that I wouldn’t speak about for years. So the first one was when I was in year 11. And for reference, I was, like, not cool or popular at school at all. I was in quite a weird group.

And I just remember my friend and I, we were in drama class together, and we’d always, like, put on musicals and stuff like that. And she took a video of me singing. It was like an Ellie goulding song from 50 Shades of Gray.

And I was, like, really getting into it, but as a joke, like, funny, joking, singing. And then I remember we were, like, in the group chat putting in our most embarrassing videos of the year.

So she put that one in the group chat, and I was like, oh, my God, what she like. And then it started to get loads of comments, and I was like, this is only supposed to go into our group chat of about 6.

Why are people from, like, the other part of the year applying to this? And she’d put it in the year group chat. So it’s like 350 people in the group chat.

And she just put this video in and everyone was like, oh, my God, what a freak. Like, and I remember, like, the guy that I really fancied in year 11. The next day was, like, nice singing, Vic.

And I literally wanted to, like, crawl under a table. So that was bad. I cried about a lot of days. And then the other one was, I can’t remember how old I was. Probably, like, early teens.

And again, I think there was, like, a boy that I really fancied that I went to tennis camp with because I used to love tennis. And I was trying to impress him by doing, like, a magic trick. I don’t know why I felt compelled to do that.

 Dawn McGruer

I didn’t even if you did magic?

 Vicky Owens

No, I don’t do magic anymore. I tried to do a magic trick for him.

And I was so nervous that I started, like, nervous giggling and this massive, like, snot rocket blew out my nose because I was so nervous. So I just started laughing and he said, ugh, like this out my nose. And I went like this and covered it and just ran out the room. And he was like, ew.

And it was just so embarrassing. And I didn’t want to go back into the room. And I didn’t really speak to him much after that point, but that’s probably the lowest point of my life.

 Dawn McGruer

Have you ever had anything in a work environment where you’ve, like, been, oh, my God, cringe?

 Vicky Owens

I think probably just things where I’ve, like, dropped things in, like, a meeting that’s, like, really serious, or. I found really weirdly at the start of my career was that women didn’t like me.

So, like, I would go into meetings or, like, there was, like, a gym that I used to work in to help do their socials, and none of the female pts used to like me at all. And I think I would just always go over the top to be nice to them. And I just embarrassed myself so many times. I was like, why did I say that?

Like, I should have just, like, just let them. I don’t know. I don’t know why women are like that.

I’ve actually had a lot more problems with women than men in business, which is usually like, the other way around for people. But, yeah, women don’t like me in business. I don’t know what it is. I just try and be friendly to everyone.

But I think that a lot of insecure women get threatened by other women, don’t they? And rather than.

 Dawn McGruer

It’s like. It’s like holding a mirror up.

And I think the thing is, is if you look at it like you as a mirror, what happens is, is if there is an insecurity or something that is triggering them, you are that mirror. So it’s shining back brightly on them and it makes them feel uncomfortable.

And I think the thing is, is so often we fall into the trap of, like, well, what have we done? And like, oh, I’m sorry. Like, you know, you should never be apologetic for it because it’s somebody else’s problem. You know the truth.

And if you’re kind and authentic, you know that that’s all you’ve got to do to show up. So if you think about what you’re doing in the next sort of year, what does that look like? Where is Vic heading?

 Vicky Owens

So I just want to be on stages now.

I just want to speak to people, inspire people, connect with people and just be more of like my own person and just, yeah, do more things on my own, be more independent and just sort of have my sister, who’s now the md, basically running the agency because it’s at a really good place at the minute. So I’m hoping for socials growth, more visibility and just doing things that I’ve just been saying I’m going to do for so long.

Because now that the agency side is covered and all the admin stuff that we all get pulled into, it’s now just about like, what am I doing this for? Like, how can I get there? And just doing it and just putting myself out there, applying for things, asking people stuff, connecting with people.

Because I think when I used to go on retreats or business events, I would, because I was like the youngest there, I’d feel like I wasn’t meant to be there. So I wouldn’t really connect with people or follow up with people. I just sort of just sit and watch. But now I’m like, I deserve to be in this room.

Let’s connect. We got a podcast. I’ll show up on your podcast, go to an event, I’ll speak at the event.

So, yeah, now it’s just about doing the do and being proactive, I think.

 Dawn McGruer

And if someone’s going to follow the journey, obviously. TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn.

 Vicky Owens

Yeah, I do need to be using LinkedIn more. I’ve got like 2,000 followers on there, which isn’t bad. My engagement is quite good, but I do need to post on it more.

So everything’s Vicky Owens, all the businesses, socially speaking media.

 Dawn McGruer

Amazing. So to leave a parting gift. Gift for our listeners. So this could be your favorite quote or a piece of advice. What would that be?

 Vicky Owens

I just love to think about that we’re all going to die.

 Dawn McGruer

Oh, that’s uplifting.

 Vicky Owens

I just think that, like, we just have a very short time here and I need to take this advice more myself. But, like, why are we caring about other people?

Like, we need to live a life that excites us where we’re not stressed out, we make good money, we’re, we’re secure. So, yeah, I always just think back to that. Like so many people, like, you’ll get questions as well about it, like, how can I start?

And you know, I want to start social media, but I’m too scared and all these excuses and they’re all, they all can be overruled by that. Like, if you just think about your life short. What’s your reason why? Just doing it.

That’s the best thing I can say to people is they just need to just pull the finger out and just do it.

 Dawn McGruer

Dream big and make it happen.

 Vicky Owens

Make it happen.

 Dawn McGruer

Oh, amazing. Thank you so much for being again.

 Vicky Owens

Thank you so much, Dawn.

 Dawn McGruer

Thanks for listening to Dawn of a New Era, the podcast brought to you in association with the Her Power Community.

This initiative was founded by myself and it’s all about empowering female founders to recognize their limitless potential and pursue their ambitions with confidence. Now, there is less than 1.8% that goes into investing in female founded businesses and we are here to make positive change.

So come and support us on Instagram at Her Power Community and find out more about what we’re doing to support female founders to scale and grow their businesses.




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