Is scaling to £100K months really possible without burnout or endless hustle?

In this episode, I break down the exact framework I’ve used to help thousands of female founders scale their businesses to six and seven figure – without relying on launches, referrals, or unpredictable revenue.

We’ll cover the mindset shifts, scalable business models, and daily revenue strategies that make the difference between plateaus and exponential growth. Plus, I’m sharing details about the 100K Challenge, a 90-day program designed to help you accelerate your results.

If you’re ready to start thinking like a millionaire, scaling like a CEO, and expanding like an industry icon, this episode is for you.


(2:16) Mindset Shifts and Financial Goals

(4:19) Transitioning from Freelancer to CEO

(7:12) Three-Part Framework for Scaling

(13:31) Expanding Like an Icon

(15:45) The 100K Challenge

Connect with Dawn:

This podcast is in association with @HerPowerCommunity – The #1 Female Founders Global Community where connections flourish & growth is intentional.


Hey, it’s Dawn McGruer, the business growth coach. And welcome to Dawn of a New. Era, the podcast where we talk all things health, wealth, and happiness, and where founders share the good and bad and ugly of being an entrepreneur.

Welcome back to Dawn of a new era, episode 153. And today, we’re going to be diving into the exact steps to scale to 100k months and beyond without burnout, guesswork, or over complication.

So if you are an ambitious female founder and you’re ready to break through income ceilings, then this episode is 100% for you. Now, why is this actually important? Well, you’re not working hard just to stay stuck at the same level.

You know, we did not start our entrepreneurial journey from a blank canvas only to think will push and push and push, hustle and hustle and hustle, and then we will just plateau. Now, you don’t want to rely on launches and referrals or unpredictable revenue either. And you’re ready to scale. We all are.

And the thing is here, you need a system that actually works. Now, I started my business at 21, and this month in March, I’m about to turn 46.

But the key here is, is that when I started, I made many mistakes, and these were huge learnings. These were the times, actually, that my businesses scaled and had the biggest growth.

Now, yes, it’s cost me investment in mentoring and coaching, and I’ve definitely lost money from some of the mistakes. But what I’ve earned back by actually implementing and doing and testing and trying, it’s enabled me to scale faster than any time before.

So in this episode, I want to walk you through the exact framework my clients and I use to hit 100k months so that you can start implementing this today. And it could be that, you know, 100k months, as soon as you hear that, you are feeling that. Maybe that’s not for me.

You know, it doesn’t matter what the goal is. Even if your revenue and your first milestone is to get to 10, maybe 20, 30, 60, and then even to 100k months. Aim high.

Because the thing is here, if you aim for 10, you, you’ll achieve 10. If you aim for 100, yes, you might get to 10, even 30, even 50. But what happens is, psychologically, there’s two factors.

We need to believe that success and big success is possible for us. And that’s one mindset shift. And the second is actually understanding what you really, truly want, because success is relative.

It doesn’t matter what your revenue goal is, because money gives you choices and absolute opportunities. Of course it does.

But it could be that you are earning, you know, a huge amount of profit and you are earning say £10,000amonth and you take 5,000 out the business and that’s all you ever want. Now that’s fine, but there are many business owners out there who want more and more.

And as you scale and you grow, you want to be able to take more money out or your business costs more to run. So you need to earn more to get more profit to take more money out. It’s all relative.

So success is all about what you want and think about what that goal is.

Now I really want you to listen to the entire podcast today because it is so important, because I want to share with you a really, really exciting opportunity for you to accelerate your results even faster. Now I’m going to share my story with you because I wasn’t always running a multi seven figure coaching business.

In fact, I used to be stuck in the same cycle that many entrepreneurs are in now, hustling over, delivering and, you know, still feeling like I wasn’t hitting the income levels that I knew were possible, that I knew that my expertise matched. And one of the things here is, is that I actually managed to pay my mortgage off at 33 and that is a big weight around my neck. That’s gone.

And that definitely changed my entire mindset, my way of think. Okay, what happened was, is when I started my business at 21, I had all of the ambition, all of the excitement, but my strategies.

I wasn’t exactly clear on how I was going to get to the ultimate goal. I was very, very clear and very confident that I would do it. But it was hard. You know, my reality was that I was undercharging and overworking.

I had multiple offers, but there was no scalable business model behind it. And my income was really inconsistent and I felt like I had to work harder just to keep up. So what happened?

Well, I had a turning point and it was then that everything changed. And it was when I stopped running my business like a freelancer and started scaling like a CEO.

And this really, honestly, it’s the one thing that landed so strongly with me because I built a premium offer, then I systemized my sales and stepped into the mindset of, of 100k plus CEO. I literally had to move into that. Now, it’s a really strange methodology and it’s one that sometimes feels a bit uncomfortable.

But we all know that to get growth you have to push yourself and you have to be Showing up each and every day in this new reality, really living who you want to be. And this just becomes easier and easier each day because you start to operate in a very different way.

Your energy is different, your flow is different. Now fast forward to today. I was 21 when I started my first business. I’m going to be 46 this month.

I have helped thousands of female founders scale to multi six and seven figures and beyond. Now, you know, this is over a 20 year period.

I’ve actually worked with 30,000 clients and helped them generate over 45 million for their own businesses. Now my clients hit 100k months and they’re using the exact framework that I’m about to share with you.

So we know it’s tried and tested, we know it’s proven because I’ve scaled four businesses of my own to multi six and seven figures. And I’ve done it all while creating more freedom and impact in my life because that was a big part of it. It’s all very well scaling to seven figures.

First time I did it was in 17 months. Second time I did it fastest was in seven from a brand new business.

But my learning here was, is that I had to build a business that was very much in alignment with what I truly wanted. And when I first started I just wanted a business.

It took time to really dig deeper into, you know, the experiences, the enrichment to start to understand that I wanted to enjoy the journey, not just the goal. You know, I traded a lot of time, I had a lot of sacrifices in the early days. We’ve all been there, right?

But, but what we want to do is make sure that we are moving forward in a way that feels good, that we haven’t created a business that is like a monster. So I want to share with you the 3 part framework to scale to 100k months. And scaling isn’t a mystery, it’s a process.

And if you follow these three steps, you will start seeing results fast. And I mean fast. Step one is about thinking like a millionaire.

Remember I said to you about stepping into that mindset and that money flow and that energy so your business will never outgrow your mindset. Now just hold that for a second. If 100k months feel unfamiliar, your brain will subconsciously block them.

And most female entrepreneurs operate from a place of scarcity and fear of investing in growth or pricing based on what feels comfortable instead of what actually reflects the value of what you’re doing and then the belief that money is hard to make.

And this is definitely something that I grew up with, because we are the product of obviously our environment and behavior, you know, breeds behavior. And what I was taught was, you know, you work hard, you put all of your blood, sweat and tears in and you’ll come home with some money.

And I just kind of thought, well, you know, it is hard, so it must be right. So I stayed with it way too long, way too long to actually make the changes and the shifts and the mindset shifts I needed to be able to scale.

You know, the great thing is now with clients, I can do it faster. With myself, I waited. I didn’t know any better.

We don’t, you know, we are experts in what we do as business owners, but no one teaches at school, you know, how to manage money or what the actual experience of running a business should be like. And, you know, really kind of hammering it into us that we should be working smarter, not harder. No one tells you that.

Now the next phase here is what it’s like from the millionaire. So the millionaire CEOs mindset, you know, where do they operate from? And this is something that fascinated me.

I really wanted to get into the psyche of like, what millionaires, like, what do they do? What are their habits, what do they do? Highly successful leaders, what are the things that they commit to and how do they operate in the day to day?

Well, what I found out was that certainty and expansion and inevitability are words that absolutely are in their day to day. They’re so confident in their pricing and premium positioning, they just own it. And that oozes authority.

And there’s a deep seated belief that wealth is always available, money can be made, and there is a huge amount of it, regardless of economic pressures that it’s just there to be had. Now I want you to think about a time when you received more money than usual and how did you feel? Like, how did you feel about it?

Now imagine operating from that energy every single day. Like, what would that be like? So let’s try a new mantra, and let’s start our days with a mantra, this new affirmation, this new way of living.

Now, this mantra I want you to repeat and to say and to live by is I think and act like the million pound CEO I am becoming. Now, this is really, really interesting because our brains are trained by what we start to believe.

Now if we program our brains and we rewire them, we start living that reality. And this is so exciting because this opportunity is available to everyone. Now, number two, step two is scale.

Like a CEO, and this is around business Model and strategy. You don’t scale by doing more, you scale by doing the right things.

So why most businesses never reach 100k months, it’s because they have too many offers at different price points and that equals messy, unpredictable income. And relying on launches instead of daily revenue flow, this is definitely something I see in the online world so much.

People are obsessed with seeing what people are doing online and getting FOMO and thinking, oh my goodness, that person is doing launches. That’s what I need to do now. Honestly, daily revenue flow has been the biggest.

If you learn nothing or you retain nothing from this podcast, this one thing, daily revenue flow, this is not about like 10k days and things like that. This is about saving and selling every day. Really consciously getting your mindset into the daily actions that will scale and grow your business.

Really consciously committing to selling.

Okay, and this mindset shift will be the biggest difference in your life and business now, doing everything yourself instead of leveraging systems or teams and getting people involved. Because do you know what, when I first started my business, I thought, only I can do this, I can’t outsource it. No one can do it as well as me.

Do you know what? They can. And sometimes you just have to let go. Entrepreneurs and business owners tend to be a little bit like control freaks.

And I definitely fall into that category. So I had to think about, you know, what can I do? How am I going to build this model? So what works instead of this? Well, let’s flip it.

Because the 100k CEO business model is one high ticket scalable offer, a repeatable sales system that brings in daily revenue and a leveraged delivery model. So either group programs, masterminds, scalable services.

So I want you to move into this action and think about what’s one thing in your business that isn’t making you money and then get rid of it. Okay, this is the hardest part.

We build something from a blank canvas and then we start to maybe resent aspects of our business and we want to change things and we think we can’t. Yes, you can. You built your business. So your new mantra is going to be, my business is a money making machine. Now that’s exciting.

And then let’s move on to the third and final step. Expand like an icon. And this is about brand and influence. So at 100k plus months, people don’t just buy your offer, they buy you.

Now, most business owners focus on selling products, not building a brand underpriced because they lack brand confidence and they stay invisible instead of showing up as an authority. So what makes icons different?

Well, they own their pace and industry authority and they charge premium prices because they embody high value energy and they monetize beyond their business and they build real wealth. So what is your action step here? Well, what’s one way you can expand your personal brand today? Today?

Well, the mantra is I am the icon I’ve been waiting for. And I just, when you say that, it just changes the whole way you are. And one of the things I see is among female business owners is self worth.

It’s about having the confidence that matches the expertise. Now when I see clients come to me and I’m thinking, oh my goodness, what you do is absolutely outstanding. It’s like unreal.

Like I am, you know, envious of the skills or the talent that they have and they don’t see it. And you may know this yourself, we’ve all had self doubt. We’ve all been our inner critic. We’ve all been very mean to us with our negative self talk.

You know, you imagine what you say in your mind to yourself sometimes and we beat ourselves up. We would never talk to another individual like this.

So by stating I am the icon I’ve been waiting for, we start to step into getting closer to the amazing expertise that we have. So what is your next step?

And I said to you at the beginning of this podcast, I really wanted you to listen because not only do I honestly believe that these three steps are life changing, they’re game changers in everything you do, but if you’re going to implement this now, I really want you to start thinking into not just going away from the podcast and thinking, well, maybe I’ll do some of those things. Maybe I’ll try today. Maybe I’ll say a mantra for a week, but committing to real action.

And this is so exciting because yesterday I was talking to so many people in my messages on Instagram. I posted a story all about the 100k challenge and it’s quite controversial because so many people are saying, what dawn making 100k in 90 days.

I’m like, yeah, absolutely, I stand by it. I have absolute conviction behind it and utter confidence because I know it works.

And it’s not just like a high level mentorship or implementation program. It’s designed to take you to consistent 100k months. So we look at adding an extra 100k sales into your business and guess what?

We have a hundred percent success rate. And this is why I want to do this podcast today. Because every single woman who has joined has made More money than ever before.

And I’m not just saying that. You could go and ask every single client of mine who’s done the 100k challenge.

It’s the truth, it’s a hundred percent fact and I would stand by it each and every day. So this isn’t just information, it’s execution with expert support.

And I know there is nothing like it in the world because inside you get the 100k business model and sales plan, you get direct one to one coaching and high level strategy.

And this is all about guiding you on a daily basis on the priorities, the specific actions you need to do to be able to step into the CEO mindset and rewire for wealth expansion. And what I love about it is that you have absolute support, scaling support to remove these plateaus every single day for 90 days.

And there are some amazing bonuses. Okay? There is honestly nothing like it in the world. There is Nothing that is 90 days of specific actions that you’re implementing in your business.

You’re literally building the foundation of how to scale to 100k months using proven, tried and tested strategies, techniques and tools that we’re going to give you. Now there’s a limited time bonus, so if you apply today, you’ll also receive some amazing bonuses.

Now all I need you to do to find out to unlock what these bonuses are is do one thing. Now remember, your next level isn’t waiting for permission, it’s waiting for execution. So the question is, will you take your next step into it?

And I really want you to scale to 100k months or 10k months or wherever you are at your journey, I want you to add this extra 100k. Now the worst that could happen is let’s imagine you added 100k every year. That’s like an extra 8k a month. Everyone will be happy about that.

But imagine you add 100k in 90 days, an extra 100k that you know you have in addition to your sales right now. What would you do with it? So I want you to get in touch with me.

I want you to either go to the website dawn or get in touch with me on your favorite socials. Dawn McGrewer, my handle is aan McGrewer on everything.

And I want you to message me the word and I want you to message me the word scale for more details. If you’re on the website, send an inquiry about the 100k challenge, whatever you need to do, okay?

But these bonuses that we’ve got are absolutely amazing.

Now if you’ve loved this episode of course share it with a female founder, leave me a five star review and tag me on Instagram with my handle or McGrewer. But do me one favor, commit to just finding out about the 100k challenge. Unlock what the bonuses are. Now we’re giving away free six months.

Yes, six months to everybody who does the 100k challenge in 90 days support. And this support is in the number one business growth masterminds you unlock.

Not just 90 days of support but whole six months and so many other things. So get in touch with me, find out more and let me know how you get on.

Remember, this is about thinking like a millionaire, scaling like a CEO and expanding like an icon. And one of the things here is that if one thing resonated with you, try the mantra tomorrow.

See the impact, see the changes and let me know how you get on. So I can’t wait to hear from you.

Remember, message me the word scale or get in touch with me through the website dawn so I hope you enjoyed the episode and I look forward to seeing you inside the 100k challenge.

Thanks for listening to Dawn of a New Era, the podcast brought to you in association with the Her Power Community.

This initiative was founded by myself and it’s all about empowering female founders to recognize their limitless potential and pursue their ambitions with confidence. Now there is less than 1.8% that goes into investing in female founded businesses and we are here to make positive change.

So come and support us on Instagram at Her Power Community and find out more about what we’re doing to support female founders to scale and grow their businesses.





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Business Growth Coach